Domus Mariae School is a mixed day and boarding secondary school offering both the 8-4-4 and Junior Secondary School Curriculum. We are situated in a serene environment half way between Karen and Ngong Town on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. The school is founded on strong Christian values and social teachings of the Catholic Church. It is owned and run by a registered society called Koinonia Community, a Christian based organization.
The name Domus Mariae Mater Nigritiae is a Latin for House of Mary mother of Africa. As Mary, Mother of Jesus cared for Him as He grew up in wisdom and knowledge, our school offers a place where young people can pursue academic excellence, nurture skills and acquire spiritual discipline for effective personal development.
We strive to develop the sense of the true, the sense of the good and the sense of the beautiful. This happens through a journey made up of many ‘ingredients’. Development is the result of various elements which interact and stimulate the mind, the conscience, the affections, and the body.
Our school is open, accepting and educating Christian, Muslim and Hindu students, as well as students born into agnostic milieus. the school is this becoming a place for dialogue and serene exchanges to encourage attitudes of respect, listening, friendship and a spirit of collaboration between different faiths.
Holistic Growth
As a learning institution, we are committed to providing a holistic schooling experience to any student who goes through the hands of our qualified and able staff`. The school focuses on instilling morals, values and skills relevant to an individual and to the society at large. The institution has modern facilities with well equipped laboratories. We appreciate modern development in information and technology and to embrace this, we offer computer studies and skills to our students.
Co-curricular Activities
For all round development of the students, the school has several sporting activities. Each year it holds an annual concert and sports day. All students are encouraged to take part in this exercise in order to compete themselves, and showcase their talents and skills in various group activities. Four hours each week are devoted to cultivating hobbies and interests in students through club and other joint activities. The school is divided into four houses; St. Kizito, St. Michael, St.John and St. Peter. Inter-house competitions are held in football, volleyball and basketball. The students are also encouraged to participate in inter-schools competition.
The school has active sports team in Football, Basketball, Volleyball and Rugby. We have likely choir and traditional dancers. This year our school won a place to represent Kajiado County at the Provincial and National Music Festivals held in Nakuru and Nyeri Counties respectively.